3 Stretches to Loosen Up That Lower Body

Whether you’ve been preparing for this for the last few weeks, or you think the media is blowing this way out of proportion, there is no denying it, COVID-19 is here. 

I know for a lot of people it seems like the end of times. Grocery stores have lines that take an hour to get through, hand sanitizer is now a prized commodity, and toilet paper is harder to find than a short person that enjoys rowing. 

We’re social animals, literally we are biologically designed to work with and be near people. So it’s safe to say that a virus that asks us to create social distancing is having a large impact on the way we view each other and the world around us. 

Honestly it’s enough to overwhelm and freak out anyone.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

If you’re reading this, chances are you take health pretty seriously. That’s awesome!

Congratulations: you’ve built yourself a buffer.

Your immune system is primed. If anyone can avoid getting sick, it’s you.

And if you DO get sick? You’ll recover a LOT faster. Because you’re healthier than almost anyone you know.

Think about it, fitness creates a buffer of health against sickness and disease. We have stronger immune systems, larger lung capacity, healthier hearts, and increased brain activity. 

So should we stop working out?

Absolutely not!

Here’s what you need to know about gym memberships during the Coronavirus crisis.

  1. We are all taking extra measures to ensure cleanliness and safety while at Tradewinds.Us coaches see everything you touch.And as soon as you’re done with it, your coach will either ask you to wipe it down, or do it for you. This includes heavy traffic areas such as the desk, doors, and spray bottles. That means EVERYTHING gets cleaned after EVERY touch.
  2. Membership at Tradewinds isn’t about access to our equipment.You’re paying for coaching, accountability and community.Coaching can happen at the gym…or anywhere.You can stay home, avoid the crowds, practice “social isolation” (some of us have been “practicing” social isolation since high school.) And you can still get JUST as fit; protect yourself; and stay healthy for your family from home.You can still be coached through this crisis.
  3. You can probably protect your kids, too.Share what you are learning and doing with your kids and other family members.You can get them off their devices and build THEIR buffer to the virus.
  4. We know you by name and we are here for you.Whatever you are going through, we will be here to help in some way.  We’re going to continue to be in touch with each of you every day to make sure you’re informed and okay. 

Furthermore we are now programming time before and after classes to ensure we have adequate time to wash our hands and clean everything, and we are no longer sharing equipment. 

More and more people are working from home, and honestly we’re all getting a little bored. There’s no sports, no events to watch, we need this. Whether it is inside the gym or from home. 

If you’re sick, don’t exercise. But if everyone else is sick, that’s the worst time to stop exercising.

Now is not the time to stop working out, now is the time to band together with our awesome community and come out on the other side better than we went in. 

We can’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring, but what we can do is promise to be there for each other through all of this. 

Together we can stay happy, healthy, focused and accountable. 

So let’s do this!