Trish is a consistent member of our morning classes and recently competed on a team during our Winter Smackdown Competition, where her team won “Most Spirited.” Trish also competed in our first ever Lift Off Competition back in November, and she was the recipient of our “Rising Star” of the year award. Trish, you’ve accomplished so many awesome things and there is so much more wonder on your horizon!
CFT: Where are you from?
Trish: Greenfield, MA
CFT: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Trish: 10 months
CFT: What motivated you to try CrossFit?
Trish: A friend suggested that I try it out.
CFT: What group class do you usually attend?
Trish: The wonderful morning mayhem 5:30am.
CFT: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting CrossFit?
Trish: I have always walked, and eaten healthy, and for two years done yoga but no other sports or fitness program.
CFT: If you could program your dream WOD, what would it be?
Trish: I love the chipper style workouts, that have a combination of strength and gymnastics.
CFT: What is your proudest accomplishment since joining Tradewinds?
Trish: It’s a tie between running my first 5k and when I got my box jump.
CFT: How has Tradewinds helped you in your everyday life?
Trish: So many ways! My confidence, my commitment, my image of myself. It has helped me become a better manager.
CFT: What do you like to do outside of the gym?
Trish: Yoga, vacations, ocean time, spending time with my family, friends and my two adorable grandchildren.
CFT: What is your favorite song to workout to?
Trish: Anything Lady Gaga.
CFT: What’s one thing you’d tell someone who is curious about trying CrossFit but not sure if they could do it?
Trish: Give it a try! Surely if I can do it you can too. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started but I just kept coming and can’t believe what it has done for me!
Trish: CFT is a wonderful place to be. The coaches are so brilliant. They truly care about you and your health and wellness. They will offer you support and encouragement every step of the way, going above and beyond what I expected. All you have to do is show up and try your hardest. In addition my fellow athletes are truly amazing! Their support and encouragement
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