But Why?

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Every now and then you’ll have moments in your life that define the path you continue down. I had one of those this weekend.


On Friday the stress of owning a business, being an athlete, a homeowner, and just being an adult in general all caught up to me. I guess you could say I had a mini break down.


I had forgotten my why. Why do I train? Why do I own an investment property? Why do I coach for a living?


As I say on my couch Friday afternoon, trying to distract myself so I could pull it together, I dug deep and thought about my why.


My “why” is actually simple. I do it to live the life I want to live. I do it because it’s what makes me happy and feel good about myself. I do it to inspire and help others, because I can.


I then went on to crush a Toes-to-bar benchmark, get a 10lb PR on my snatch, and have an amazing weekend with my lovely wife.


I don’t post this for anyone to feel sorry for me, or give me their sympathy. I write this to remind everyone to remember their “why”. Allow it to give you focus, drive, and guide you down your path towards who you want to become.

P.S.- I give my wife all the credit in the world for helping me through this.
