Top Holiday Tips to Stay Sane

Let’s face it guys, December is a very challenging month. While it is full of fun, hope, promise and holiday cheer, there is a lot of stress that comes with it inevitably. And beyond that as the new year closes in, we can all tend to get a little bit worked up about the big resolutions and plans we are supposed to have with the next 365 days coming our way.  We all know it, and if we acknowledge it and make a game plan we can get through this together! 

  1. Control the Controllables; one of my favorite concepts. Simple in nature, but sometimes hard to remember. We get caught up in what we can’t control, like the lines in stores being long, gifts being back ordered, crazy families (that we love), travel and traffic, indulgent meals, excessive treats etc. I’m not here to say those things don’t exist because they definitely do. What we can do is take control of the things that will make us feel better. 
  • Take a moment of self care whenever you can, treat yourself to a coffee or a 10 minute break, maybe even a nap when you can! 
  • Make an effort to make your meals full of things you know make you feel good, fresh produce, quality proteins. Actually sit down and enjoy your meals without distraction so you appreciate what you are consuming. Don’t “hoard” calories for later, it will only leave you hangry and then binging. 
  • Get quality sleep, prioritize your bedtime and backwards plan to make sure you are getting those 8 hours! 
  1. Be Present; I am guilty of it more than anyone, which is why I can say it. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we have to do, what’s coming next and what’s stressing us out that we forget to look up and appreciate what is happening around us. 
  • Take a second to check in with your loved ones, talk about what you are looking forward to doing with them to celebrate the holidays and new year. 
  • Be in the moment that you are in, don’t ruin your workout by rushing through the hour and being consumed by the 100 things you have to do next. Breathe, move, appreciate your body. 
  • Go out of your way to make someone laugh or smile around you, you never know who needs it. 
  • Put the phone down, social media, emails, work, etc will all be there tomorrow.
  1. Keep it simple; when it comes to end of year reviews and new years goals, it can be hard not to feel the pressure. Don’t compare yourself to anyone but you, it’s not a competition and it will make your life a whole lot easier. 
  • Look back on the positives from 2023, lead with all the bright spots from your year and what you are proud of. 
  • What didn’t you accomplish that you wanted to? Is it still important to you? If it is roll it over and make it top of the list, if not let it go. 
  • What are the little things you can do to improve yourself in 2024? Pick a few small things and 1 big thing, then backwards plan. Rather than setting a million lofty goals, think about what is truly important to you and what will make you happy in the new year, then believe in yourself and make it happen! 

Let’s be realistic, ALL of this is easier said than done. But, are there a few things you can implement today to make your life a little bit easier? Acknowledge what is stressing you out, take a deep breath, and just keep doing your best.