July 2018 – Athlete of the Month

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July’s Athlete of the Month is Kerri!
This month, let’s hear from one of our familiar faces from the evening classes. New to Winthrop, Kerri was looking for a way to continue her CrossFit journey while also finding a community she could click with. Take it away, Kerri!
Athlete Interview
CFT: Where are you from? 
Kerri: Townsend, MA
CFT: How long have you been doing CrossFit? 
Kerri: Four years.

CFT: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting CrossFit? 
Kerri: I started working out at the age of 12 with aerobics. In high school, I was challenged to heavy lifting and running by my brother, then I decided to add cardio kickboxing for a cardio challenge. I played soccer, basketball and ran Cross Country on a D3 team in college. Once out of college, I continued working out at local gyms doing my own thing while taking a few step aerobics classes.

CFT: What motivated you to try CrossFit?
Kerri: I missed the community of working out, so a friend, who had his level 1 CrossFit certification, introduced me to CrossFit, my first class was extremely challenging, that is when I knew I was hooked!

CFT: If you could program your dream WOD, what would it be?
Kerri: 40 Minute AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 bench presses
15 calorie row
20 deadlifts
25 wall balls
30 med ball sit-ups
35 double-unders

CFT: What is your proudest accomplishment since joining CFT?
Kerri: Completing Murph…

CFT: How has CFT helped you inyour everyday life?
Kerri: I take the stairs every time they are available, without hesitation, which keeps me healthy and energized throughout the day, and I am usually able to encourage others to take them with me.

CFT: What do you like to do outside of the gym?
Kerri: One of my favorite things to do is find an amusement park and ride all the rollercoasters until I feel too sick to continue- such a stress reliever.

CFT: What is your favorite song to work out to?
Kerri: Ghostbusters (Original Soundtrack) – Ray Parker Jr.

CRT: What else can you tell us about your CFT experience? 
Kerri: I moved to Winthrop for a sudden career change and I didn’t know anyone in town. I enjoyed CrossFit and needed to find a community. CFT provided both community and a CrossFit box full of individuals whom challenge me every day. Their encouragement has provided me with the strength to do things that I never thought possible. I have pushed myself beyond my comfort zone to break Personal Records I never though capable. Thank you, CFT FitFam!

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