June 2018 – Newsletter

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CrossFit Tradewinds Newsletter #3.6

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Can you smell the sea breeze?

You can feel it. You know it's coming. It's something you've been looking forward to for weeks - no... MONTHS.

Summer is almost here! After what seemed like a never-ending winter, we can finally enjoy the outdoors and that includes the return of CFT's Beach WODs! We take advantage of the fact that we are in a beach community and hit the sun and the sand for some of the more unique WODs you'll ever do!

Also coming up is our Summer Kickoff Cookout & Annual Throw Down! Teams of CFT athletes go head-to-head for the 2nd year in a row. Intense (yet good-natured) rivalries brew up, and the social media that the athlete community comes up with is 24k GOLD!


  • Athlete of the Month
  • Events
  • Challenges

  • Schedule Adjustment
  • Monthly PR Announcements 
  • Social Snapshots


   Athlete of the Month   

J is for June, and it's also for our next Athlete of the Month - Josh!
When he's not dreaming of assault bike workouts, or somehow not looking like death in Murph pictures (check out the Murph 2018 photo album on Facebook. You'll see), our newest featured athlete is killing it day after day in the gym. Let's check out what he's got to say!

Athlete Interview
CFT: Where are you from? 
Josh: I was born and raised right here in Winthrop
CFT: How long have you been doing CrossFit? 
Josh: Just over a year now, started going in April of 2017

CFT: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting CrossFit? 
Josh: I've been a casual gym-goer since college and would go jogging from time to time... (more)

Full Interview

  Events & Challenges   


#WeAreTradewinds Community PRIDE WOD

Saturday, June 2 | 9am & 10am

June is National Pride Month, and to celebrate CFT is hosting a free community workout to show our support for the LGBTQ+ community! Stick around between classes to take a group PRIDE photo!

If you're bringing a guest, please be sure to email [email protected] so we can get them set up ahead of time!


Beach WOD

Saturday, June 9 | 9am & 10am

Sun's out, guns out as the CFT community takes to the beach to tackle the first Beach WOD of the season. Meet at the gym as you usually would, then your coaches will tell you what to do next! Wear your sunblock!


Annual Summer Kickoff Cookout
Saturday, June 23 | 3pm

Coaches Andy and Mary will open up their backyard to officially kick off the Summer season. Andy will be manning the grill, so bring your favorite dishes and drinks as we all kick back and have a great time! 


2nd Annual Summer Internal Throwdown
Sunday, June 24 | 12pm

This team-based internal competition is going down this month! Athletes of all skill levels are welcome to join, and teams will be selected to have a careful balance of all skill levels. Registration is $50, and if you sign up by June 4th, you'll get a sweet T-shirt to commemorate the occasion (complete this survey to reserve your shirt: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XGMVFQL

Register Now

Tradewinds Downtown Happy Hour 
Time and Place TBD

Many of our athletes work in the downtown Boston area, so we thought it would be pretty cool to have a meetup after work for a bit of socializing. 

Keep an eye on the Crossfit Tradewinds Athletes Facebook group for more details and a call for suggestions of places to meet up!


Save the Date

  • Beach Workout - Saturday, July 14
  • CrossFit Games Viewing Party - Friday, August 3
  • Tradewinds Harbor Cruise - Friday, August 17 (21+)


Stay up to date with all the upcoming events at CrossFit Tradewinds. Check-out our events calendar.


   Schedule Adjustments   

June 2018:

  • No open gym on 6/24 due to the Internal Throwdown


   Elements Graduates   

More Elements grads coming your way! This month we've got Jose and Andrew! Give 'em a fist bump when you see them in class! 


   Monthly PR Announcements   


Be sure to log the personal records you get for each movement & workout on WODTogether to see your achievement appear in this section. Also... don't forget to log your PRs on the weekly PR board.
Got a PR that you're proud of and want to show off? Let us know!

May PR Highlights

Caitlin: 50m:39s
Jonathan G: 66m:21s
Kerri: 80m:34s
Suzanne: 64m:25s
Jon H: 41m:42s (1/2 Murph)
Josh C: 68m:00s
Marcelo: 51m:31s


Paul: 58m:11s
Nathan: 72m:43s
Dom: 62m:45s
Michaela: 51m:42s
Keith: 54m:58s 
Dan: 61m:14s
Patricia V: 35m:56s (1/2 Murph)


   Social Snapshots   

Another Memorial Day has come and gone, and CFT athletes have completed one of the most grueling WODs of the year: Murph. Here are just some of the people who crushed it in honor of our country's fallen heroes...


Tradewinds House Rules

If you are new, welcome to the Tradewinds FitFam! We hope you are enjoying our programs and our community. Take a quick look at our house rules to ensure you are on the same page as everyone and to make sure you have the best experience possible.

House Rules


That's all for this month. Be sure to use the links below to like and follow us to stay up-to-date with all the happenings with the gym. Also, you can review us on Facebook right here




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Our mailing address is:
45 Crest Ave., Winthrop, MA 02152

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