July 2022 Athlete of the Month

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Congratulations to athlete Papi DiMarzio on being  selected as our July 2022 AOM!

You truly earned it!

It has been a pleasure and an honor to have Papi as a part of our community. She is truly one of the sweetest athletes we have ever had the pleasure of knowing and her energy is infectious whenever she is in the gym. Papi is extremely humble, all the while making great strides and accomplishments in the gym. She works hard for her progress and doesn’t expect, or want it to come easily. Papi has earned every single PR, new skill, weight upgrade, etc. through her own sheer work ethic and determination. She is dedicated to our process and a wonderful example and role model to all of what can come out of trusting your training and working hard! Congratulations Papi, we are so proud of you 🙂 

TW: Where are you from?

Papi: Originally Revere but I have been living in Winthrop for some time now.


TW: What do you do for work?

Papi: I’m a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, which is basically an Ultrasound Tech but with a Bachelor’s Degree instead of an Associate’s Degree. I’ll scan general abdomen and early OB cases and assist in the operating room and procedures like ultrasound guided biopsies and drainages. I’m also working on my Masters Degree for Clinical Management.


TW: How long have you been at Tradewinds? 

Papi: I originally started back in October 2019 until the beginning of COVID March 2020. I took a break and started back up in December 2021 after I graduated and got settled at my first job, so currently about 7 months for this stint.


TW: What motivated you to try Tradewinds? 

Papi: Originally my mom started at Tradewinds before I did. I thought it would be a good opportunity to follow her steps to start a good workout routine since the majority of people at my job get musculoskeletal injuries. Overall, I just wanted to get stronger and keep my body moving.


TW: What group class do you usually attend? 

Papi: The 6pm classes is my typical go to, unless it’s Wednesday where I try to shoot for the 11:30am class.


TW: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting at Tradewinds? 

Papi: I have an extensive background of different fitness programs I’ve been a part of. I did 12 years of tap/jazz/ballet/lyrical/hip-hop/pointe, 11 years of gymnastics, I have my black belt in Taekwondo, I played one year of JV volleyball and was captain of Varsity volleyball for the remaining 3 years in high school, I played 4 years of off-season volleyball at the junior Olympic club level, and I played one year of club volleyball and AFROTC physical training when I attended RIT.


TW: If you could program your dream WOD, what would it be? 

Papi: Something that doesn’t involve burpees or the assault bike as those movements tend to slow me down for the whole workout. I like the WODs where it’s 3 rounds of 3 different movements that involves some lifting and running.


TW: What is your proudest accomplishment since joining Tradewinds? 

Papi: My proudest accomplishment I would say is the consistent lift PRs I’ve been getting. I have to give props to Coach Michaela for the pushes and confidence she’s given me to add more weight and it still surprises me every time at what I can lift and work with.


TW: How has Tradewinds helped you in your everyday life? 

Papi: Tradewinds has given me so much confidence in myself since I’ve started again. I have also noticed less pain while working and I feel better in general just moving around all day. I have minor injuries from the sports I’ve done in the past but the training at Tradewinds has helped me strengthen my body overall where I don’t feel those injuries as much.


TW: What do you like to do outside of the gym? 

Papi: Outside of the gym I like to take small adventures, such as going up to NH or Key West or exploring a new city. I also like to hangout with my cats, do art projects, spend time with my friends and my boyfriend, and I recently got into gardening.


TW: What is your favorite song to workout to? 

Papi: Honestly anything I know the lyrics to. I use it as a way to keep myself distracted with the long workouts or if we have to hit a certain calorie to keep myself distracted rather than staring at the clock or calorie counter. But if I had to choose a specific one maybe The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco.


TW: What’s one thing you’d tell someone who is curious about trying Tradewinds but not sure if they could do it?

Papi: I would tell them the first step of putting your shoes on and walking into the gym is going to be a domino effect of what is to come. The coaches are happy and willing to work with your and your limitations and you’ll look back and be happy that you’ve chosen such a great opportunity to better yourself. Every member and coach is great and so supportive and you’ll feel so welcomed no matter the skill level you’re at.


AOM Closing Thoughts:

Being an athlete at Tradewinds is one of the best opportunities I’ve done for myself. My friends, family, and I have noticed many changes in my mental health as well as my physical health from the short 7 months I’ve been consistently going. Being able to show up and forget about the stressors of the day is just one of the perks of going here. I love the atmosphere and the people I’ve met and worked out with along the way. I’ve always been the type of person that needs motivation from another person and a written out plan to succeed with working out and I find all that and more at Tradewinds. I’m so thankful to be back here at the gym!

