More Isn’t Better

I get asked a lot and I mean A LOT about how often someone should workout. 

Now there are a lot of “experts” out there that tell you you need to workout 6 to 7 times a week. First off, let me tell you, they are no experts. Any expert knows the correct answer to the question of, “how often should I workout?”, is always “it depends”.

It depends on a lot of factors, such as current fitness level, goals, allocated time, experience and a slew of other factors. 

So instead of sitting here and blowing smoke about how often YOU should workout, which I can’t because, well… I don’t know you, no, instead I am going to tell you what our protocol at Tradewinds looks like.

So how often do we recommend you come to Tradewinds and workout?

The answer is simple….


No more, no less. 

To some people reading this that may not seem like enough, and to some people you’d be right. However we have found that for our clients the best prescription which can be performed sustainably for the long term is 4 times a week. 

Believe me when I say we’ve tried it all. We used to think 7 days a week was the only way. We’ve gone down to recommending two times a week. But after about 10 years of training, we’ve found that 4 times a week is the secret sauce for a sustainable strength program. 

I can hear the outcries now, “what only 4 days!?”, “that’s not nearly enough!”, “what do I do on my off days?”, “I’ll miss the gym and it’ll miss me!”

First of all, the gym should NEVER be your life. That’s not sustainable or healthy. It should COMPLIMENT your life. 

Which brings up my next point, even though we call for 4 days in the studio, that’s not the entirety of our protocol. 

We also recommend 1-2 active recovery days per a week and 1-2 full rest days per week. 

So even on those days that you miss the studio, go for a run, or a hike, or play a game of tennis, do something that you enjoy that’s still physically active, but isn’t inside a studio or gym. 

Also remember to take 1-2 full rest days, days where you literally do almost no physical activity, these are the days where gains are actually made. 

Now if this sounds like a program that would COMPLIMENT your life and maybe help you get stronger or regain some confidence and help you transform your body, well then we’d love to help you get started. Just click the button below and let’s get rocking!