Move Towards The Oxygen

This week is our final week of our 14 week anaerobic block. We have put in a lot of work challenging and conditioning ourselves. As this cycle wraps up I found myself inspired by one of The Daily Stoic emails I read this week. (You can check out The Daily Stoic daily email list here.) 

“The way ahead looks difficult. It is filled with obstacles and challenges. Yet we know we can’t go backwards. We know we can’t stay where we are. So what do we do? We go forward.”

In the world of stoicism, one of the most profound lessons is to align our actions with what truly fuels us, much like a fire that instinctively moves towards oxygen. A fire, in its essence, seeks out oxygen because that’s what it needs to grow and sustain itself. Without oxygen, the fire dwindles, loses its vibrancy, and eventually goes out. Our lives, too, are akin to this; we must identify and move toward the “oxygen” that fuels our health and well-being.

First we must identify our oxygen.

Oxygen for a fire is not optional; it’s a necessity. In our lives, this “oxygen” represents the vital elements that contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional health. For some, it might be regular exercise, nourishing food, or quality sleep. For others, it might be meaningful relationships, time in nature, or the pursuit of passions that light them up. The first step is identifying what truly nourishes your spirit and makes you feel alive.

Next we move toward what fuels us.

Once you’ve identified your sources of oxygen, the next step is to deliberately move toward them, just like a fire moves toward what sustains it. This means making conscious choices every day that align with your well-being. Building daily habits that prioritize your physical and mental health, choose activities that bring you joy, and surround yourself with people who lift you up. It’s about consistently seeking the things that enrich your life, rather than staying in spaces that suffocate your spirit.

Then we must avoid what depletes us.

Just as fire avoids the damp, we must learn to avoid the things that deplete us. These are the people, habits, and environments that drain our energy, leaving us feeling exhausted and uninspired. Whether it’s negative self-talk, unhealthy habits, or toxic relationships, recognizing and moving away from these “oxygen thieves” is crucial. This is not about avoiding challenges or discomfort, but rather about being discerning with what truly supports our growth and well-being.

Along the way, be intentional in your pursuit.

Stoicism teaches us to be intentional with our actions, understanding that every choice we make either brings us closer to or further from our goals. The fire does not move haphazardly; it is deliberate in its pursuit of oxygen. Likewise, we must be intentional in our pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling life. This might mean setting boundaries, saying no to things that don’t serve us, or taking time for self-reflection to realign our actions with our values.

Consistency is alway key.

A fire doesn’t grow by moving towards oxygen just once; it requires a constant, consistent supply to keep burning brightly. Similarly, our journey towards health and wellness isn’t a one-time effort but a lifelong commitment. It’s the small, daily actions that compound over time, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Keep moving toward your oxygen, even on the days when it feels hard or inconvenient. Every step you take in the right direction, no matter how small, fuels your inner fire.

Finally, learn to embrace the process.

Lastly, embrace the journey. Just as a fire grows and changes, so will you. There will be times when your flame burns brightly, and times when it flickers. This is natural. The important thing is to keep moving toward what fuels you, trusting that with each breath of oxygen, you are stoking the flames of a healthier, more fulfilling life.

In the spirit of stoicism, remember that the power to choose lies within you. Choose to move towards the oxygen. Choose to fuel your fire. Choose a life of health, wellness, and purpose. Your inner fire is counting on it.