December 2022 Athlete of the Month

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Team Tradewinds is excited to announce Laurie Acone as our December 2022 Athlete of the Month!

Congratulations Laurie!




Laurie is the type of athlete that we are lucky and proud to call one of our own. She is someone who emulates our core values perfectly. She is ambitious, going outside of her comfort zone while also knowing exactly what she is capable of. She has a great sense of integrity, she isn’t afraid to ask questions, to understand, to problem solve. She is a team player, she is welcoming, encouraging, someone you want to workout alongside. Not to mention our Coaches and athletes all get a great laugh from her on a pretty daily basis! Laurie came to us as someone seeking fitness, a routine and consistency. But the way that she has grown as an athlete, a person and a member of our community is more than we could ever imagine. Laurie is a Tradewinds athlete through and through, we are so proud of you! 


TW: Where are you from? 

Laurie: Born and raised in Winthrop, though I lived in Bridgewater while raising my sons, but have been back in Winthrop since 2014.


TW: What do you do for work? 

Laurie: I am an energy efficiency manager for National Grid, meaning I work with commercial and industrial customers to make their businesses energy efficient, so reducing their energy use and carbon footprint, and hopefully saving them some money. 


TW: How long have you been at Tradewinds? 

Laurie: 18 months! 


TW: What motivated you to try Tradewinds? 

Laurie: I had read that as you get older it is beneficial to lift weights.I wanted something in between a “you’re on your own” gym and a personal trainer, and the small class size at Tradewinds seemed like the compromise I was looking for. 


TW: What group class do you usually attend? 

Laurie: 6am baby! Rise and shine and get it done!


TW: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting at Tradewinds? 

Laurie: No.Over the years I have tried various gyms but never stick with any of them. (The very earliest was a place called Gloria Stevens down in Michael’s Mall but they were right next door to Brighams ice cream so you can imagine how that went.)                                            


TW: If you could program your dream WOD, what would it be? 

Laurie: Bench press, back squats, deadlifts, and I have a love/hate relationship with core stuff. (It would be easier to tell you what my dream workout would NOT be, but that might come across as sounding negative) 😉


TW: What is your proudest accomplishment since joining Tradewinds? 

Laurie: Just getting up and showing up even when it’s cold/dark/early. 


TW: How has Tradewinds helped you in your everyday life? 

Laurie: It’s a great way to jumpstart my day and get in, or keep, a routine. 


TW: What do you like to do outside the gym? 

Laurie: I like to do anything outdoors. I like to go to the beach and standup paddle board in summer, ski in winter, and walk year round. I also like to read and bake but am happiest when spending time with my two grandchildren. And my guilty pleasure is most things on Bravo, but not the Housewives. 


TW: What is your favorite song to workout to? 

Laurie: I like Pitbull so maybe Fireball, but really anything that makes me want to dance.              


TW: What’s one thing you’d tell someone who is curious about trying Tradewinds but not sure if they could do it? 

Laurie: Just try it! There is no pressure but tons of encouragement. Works outs are different every day and everyone can participate at their own pace. It is very inclusive and not only a gym but also a community. I didn’t think I could do it either but I’m still here a year and a half later. I guess that is more than one thing. 


AOM Closing Thoughts… 


I really didn’t know what to expect but figured I had nothing to lose by trying it.  I found the culture to be very welcoming and the coaches and athletes have all been very supportive. I like that people are not competing with each other but with themselves. And most importantly I have met many people who have become friends.

