December 2023 Athlete of the Month

Team Tradewinds is extremely proud and excited to announce our December 2023 Athlete of the Month… Carly Michel! 

This past year and then some of having Carly as a part of the TW community has truly just flown by. It is hard to imagine a time where she wasn’t one of our morning regulars, whether it’s sweating with the sunrise at 5:30am or the occasional guest appearance at the 8am class when her schedule allows, we can’t imagine the TW community without Carly. Despite early hours, Carly always keeps a positive attitude and friendly energy that brightens every morning she is in the gym. She is quick to make us laugh and has a beautiful ability to connect with people and make them feel included. She has worked hard to develop great strength and made strides in improving upon things she once thought were simply impossible. Through lots of hard work and patience, Carly has achieved so much in her time at TW, a testament to the amount of dedication she has to her fitness and to herself. Thank you for representing TW so well Carly, we look forward to laughing and lifting with you for a long time to come! 

TW: Where are you from?

Carly: Agawam, Massachusetts

TW: What do you do for work?

Carly: 6th Grade Special Education Teacher

TW: How long have you been at Tradewinds? 

Carly: 1 year and 4 months

TW: What motivated you to try Tradewinds?

Carly: I saw groups of people running down the sidewalk during a group class and I was on the search for a gym with group classes. 

TW: What group class do you usually attend? 

Carly: 5:30 AM!

TW: Did you have a fitness background prior to starting at Tradewinds? 

Carly: Yes! I have played sports & worked out my whole life. I grew up playing many sports but my main focus was basketball. I have been a member at many different gyms in the boston area.

TW: If you could program your dream WOD, what would it be? 

Carly: My dream WOD would include deadlifting and a sprint with 2 minute rounds.

TW: What is your proudest accomplishment since joining Tradewinds?

Carly: I am most proud of the progress I have made on my lunges. When I first started at Tradewinds I needed to modify my lunges and hold onto the rig and now I am able to lunge with light weights! 

TW: How has Tradewinds helped you in your everyday life?

Carly: Working out at Tradewinds has improved my overall mobility. I live in a 3rd story walk up and I am required to walk those stairs multiple times each day. Since working out at Tradewinds, this daily activity has become something I don’t even think about anymore.  

TW: What do you like to do outside the gym? 

Carly: Outside of the gym I like to spend time outdoors, especially with my dog. I also enjoy hanging out with friends and family, and at this point in my life, planning for my wedding 🙂

TW: What is your favorite song to workout to? 

Carly: I always appreciate any throwback song and of course Taylor Swift!

TW: What’s one thing you’d tell someone who is curious about trying Tradewinds but not sure if they could do it?

Carly: I would tell them that everyone who attends a Tradewinds class modifies their workouts for one reason or another. Whether someone is working out with an injury, working towards a skill, or simply feels like doing something else – if you need to modify the workout you will always be supported and encouraged to do what you can/what feels best.

AOM Closing Thoughts… 

I am so grateful I took the opportunity to sit down and talk with Andy about Tradewinds. I had some preconceived ideas about what a crossfit gym was and Tradewinds has completely shifted my thinking. Tradewinds falls into a different category than a standard gym. Tradewinds is a “fitness community” and anyone who joins will immediately feel welcomed. Until I joined Tradewinds, I was always someone who needed a “gym buddy”. I would always work out with a friend and I relied on that friend to encourage me to work out and to hold me accountable. The community at Tradewinds has turned into my gym buddy and I have learned that I can hold myself accountable. If you would have told me 2 years ago that I was capable of waking up at 5 am each day to get to my crossfit workout class, I would’ve laughed in your face. I am proud of the progress I’ve made this past year and I look forward to the years to come!