February 2019 Newsletter


CrossFit Tradewinds Newsletter #3.12

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A new year means a fresh start to get back on track to creating the best version of yourself and living your best life. It’s also an opportunity to take another look at your previous goals, what your current goals might be, and what you need to do to stay on track.

At Tradewinds, we’ve built a safe place filled with all the tools & support you need to help you reach your goals. Our community is filled with passionate coaches and wonderful athletes, all who are here to work hard, have fun, and find success through the support we have for each other.

To kick-off the new year, we’re launching some new fun… We will also celebrate our most recent Athlete of the month, and take a look a head to see some of the excitement we have planned a head of us!

2018 was great, but let’s make 2019 the best year yet!


  • Quote of the Month
  • Bright Spots
    • Featured Bright Spots
    • Bright Spots Challenge
  • Athlete of the Month
    • Spotlight
    • AOM Play list
  • Schedule Updates
    • New Class
  • Kids & Teens Programs
  • Events & Challenges
  • Monthly PR Shoutouts

  • January Birthdays
  • Social Snapshot
    • Winter Smackdown Competition Recap
    • Holiday Party Photo Booth
  • Share Your Story
  • Athlete Resources
    • Connect on Social
    • Resources & Links
    • Questions
    • Athlete Bill of Rights

   Quote of the Month   

   Bright Spots   

Bright Spots: Looking for, recognizing, acknowledging, & celebrating personal wins. A good thing that occurs during a bad or difficult time. The silver lining. Looking for the good throughout the entire journey….

Our lives are filled with some many things that keep us super busy, and many of those things are often out of our control. We can sometimes find ourselves getting overwhelmed, being overworked, or having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when there is so much going on.

In the act of thinking about “What went well today, this week, this month, this year?” we take time to reflect on the things that made us happy or brought us joy. This act of looking for happiness makes us find it! Finding & appreciating happiness allows us to operate at a higher, more positive frequency, in turn, making us less susceptible to any negativity around us.

This year, every Friday we’re going to practice happiness and celebrate our wins with Bright Spots Friday. Our entire community is welcome to participate in this weekly self-love activity. In order to participate all that you need to do is post your bright spots to our athlete Facebook page or email your bright spots to a coach anytime on Fridays each week.

   Featured Bright Spots   

To help kick off Bright Spots… Here are some Tradewinds Bright Spots from 2018:

  • We had 9,284 class check-ins
  • There were 1,142 personal records logged
  • As a gym we lost over 100lbs & over 40% body fat during our nutrition challenges
  • We hosted over 40 community events
  • We had 4 internal competitions with over 60 athletes participating
  • There were 101 runners in our ILW5k Charity Race
  • We donated over $2500 to local charities

A lot of awesome stuff went down in 2018… We are super pumped for all the awesome ahead of us in 2019!!

   Bright Spots Challenge   

To take our new practice even further, we are going to host a little Bright Spots Challenge for our 1st ever weekly Bright Spots. This Friday (1/4) share your first Tradewinds Bright Spots & enter for a chance to win a custom athlete T-shirt.

To participate, all you need to do is post your Bright Spots in any of the following ways: post to our athlete Facebook page, post them to your personal Facebook or Instagram pages (make sure to tag us @crossfittradewinds so we see it), or email us. Feel free to make your bright spots into a video or include pictures. Let us know if you have any questions, and Happy Bright Spotting!

   Athlete of the Month   

Trish is our Athlete of the Month for January!

Trish is a consistent member of our morning classes and recently competed on a team during our Winter Smackdown Competition, where her team won “Most Spirited.” Trish also competed in our first ever Lift Off Competition back in November, and she was the recipient of our “Rising Star” of the year award.

Trish, you’ve accomplished so many awesome things and there is so much more wonder on your horizon!

Athlete Interview:

CFT: Where are you from?  
Trish: Greenfield, MA

CFT: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Trish: 10 months

CFT: What motivated you to try CrossFit?  
Trish: A friend suggested that I try it out.

CFT: How has Tradewinds helped you in your everyday life?
Trish: So many ways! My confidence, my commitment, my image of myself. It has helped me become a better manager.

Full Interview

  AOM Playlist   

Becoming Athlete of the Month (AOM) just got a whole lot sweeter…

A new perk to becoming Tradewinds Athlete of the Month will be the opportunity to create a personal song playlist of up to 10 songs. This gives you the chance to potentially listen to your own custom list of songs during group classes at the gym.

Any current and previous AOM recipients can submit their playlists to us. Please include your name, the month an year you were AOM, the specific name of the artist & specific title of the songs. Email us to submit your list.

  Schedule Updates – January 2019   

  • New 6:30am CrossFit group class:
    • Tuesdays & Fridays from 1/4/19 through 2/8/19
  • No Open Gym on 1/5 at 11am (Nutrition Seminar)

  CrossFit Kids & Teens Programs   

Our kids & teens programs from ages 4 through 17, will be picking back up the week of January 7th.

More Info

  Events & Competitions  

Saturday, January 5, 2019 | 11am

It’s time to take a closer look at what we put in our bodies and ask the question why. It’s time to take a closer look at your health & wellness. It’s time to brush up your knowledge on nutrition.

The goal of this nutrition seminar is to educate individuals on how to dial in their nutrition to reach their personal goals.

Seminar Topics:

  • Basics of nutrition
  • Scientific approach to what we consume
  • Macronutrients in depth
  • Fueling for grueling workouts
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Staying on track

If you are looking for motivation, education, and accountability to get your nutrition on point, then this is the seminar for you!


The new year is here! Now’s the perfect time to dial in & get your nutrition back on track! Join us in our 31-Day Nutrition Challenge during the month of January.

Nutrition doesn’t have to be hard, and we’re hear to help so it’s not! Kick off the new year with all the right tools, resources & accountability you need to get your looking & feeling your best in 2019!

During our last challenge we helped over 20 people lose a combined 30% body fat and over 60lbs. 

Pick & choose the challenge package that best fits your needs…

The deadline to sign-up is today, Jan. 1st…
Your future healthier self will thank you!

More Info

   Save the Date   

Athlete Night Out
Friday, January 18 | 8pm

Save the date for our January athlete night out! Join fellow athletes for a fun event that probably won’t include a workout…. but we make no promises. More details to come.

Tradewinds CrossFit Open Team Competition
February 21 through March

Mark your calendars for our 4th Annual Internal CrossFit Open Team Competition for 5-weeks running from the end of February through March. This might be our last ever Open Competition ever!!

Captains will draft teams and each week CrossFit HQ will release an workout that can be completed as scaled or RX. We’ll host our Thursday Night Throw Down Live Announcement Events and our Friday Night Lights… So start prepping now & get ready for all the crazy fun!

Not sure what The Open is?!

More info about The Open.

Or you can check out some of the videos from our Open Competition last year:

18.5 Thursday Night Throwdown

Your Only Limit is You

Thursday Throwdown Open 18.3

“Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on, but you go on anyway.”

Stay up to date with all the upcoming events at CrossFit Tradewinds. Check-out our events calendar.

Have any fun event, competition, or challenge ideas?!
Email us to let us know!

   Monthly PR Announcements   

Be sure to log the personal records you get for each movement & workout on WODTogether to see your achievement appear in this section. Also… don’t forget to log your PRs on the weekly PR board.

Got a PR that you’re proud of and want to show off? Let us know!

December PR Highlights

Jack – 3×5 Deadlift at 365lb
Marcelo – 4×8 Back Squat at 205lb
Caitlin – 4×6 Pause Front Squat at 165lb
Carla – 3×5 Muscle Snatch at 95lb
Caren – 3×5 Muscle Snatch at 80lb
Keith – “Angie” 19:43 at Rx+
Todd – “Anglie” 23:38 at Rx
Kerri – “Angie” 37:50 at Rx
Paul – “Angie” 26:13 at Rx
Nate – “Angie” 31:52 at Rx
Heather – 5×5 Squat Clean at 
Kathrine – 5×3 Deadlift at 125lb

   January Birthdays   

Happy birthday shout outs go to: 
Mary Kate – 1/3
Jess – 1/6
Nicole – 1/7
Christopher – 1/8
Caren – 1/10

Christina – 1/10
Kate – 1/11
Ed D. – 1/23
Kelly S – 1/30

   Social Snapshot   

Congratulations again to our competitions from our Winter Smackdown Competition! 1st Place went to the Unjust Heros, 2nd Place went to 2 Fit 2 Quit, 3rd Place went to Snatching Through the Snow, and Most Spirited went to The Noel-It-Alls.

Some of the MANY fun photo booth highlights from our 3-Year Anniversary Holiday Party on Saturday, December 15th.

   Share your Story   

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a inspirational story about a major challenge you have overcome, something fantastic you have accomplished, or any other sort of success story? Let us know! We want to hear all about the awesome things that the fantastic Tradewinds Community has accomplished. Celebrating our awesome athletes is one of our favorite things to do!

Share Your Story

   Athlete Resources Section   

Are you new to the Tradewinds Fit Family? Or Looking for something specific?
Here are some useful resources to help you out…

Join us on Social Media

A perk to being a Tradewinds athlete is our private athlete Facebook group. Search CrossFit Tradewinds Athletes to request to join and follow us on Facebook & Instagram!

Athlete Group
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
Check out our Blog

Share your social experience at Tradewinds… tag us @crossfittradewinds & use our hashtag #WeAreTradewinds 

Additional Resources

Goal Setting Sessions
All Crossfit Tradewinds athletes have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a coach for a 15-minute goal setting session to discuss specific goals & develop a plan to help achieve those goals. Athletes can schedule these sessions every 3 months.

Goal Session Scheduler Link

Personal Training or Skill Sessions
Looking to get more focused on your training or work on specific goals, movements, or skills. Maybe a personal training hour or 30 minute skill session is just what you’re looking for.

Personal Training Options:
Hour Session – $80/session – Scheduler 
30 Minute Session – $45/session – Scheduler

Need help learning about your nutrition or dialing it in? Check out our various nutrition options.

Nutrition Program Options:
InBody Body Composition scans – $45/scan
More Info
InBody scan Scheduler
InBody Scan Prep Sheet

Custom Nutrition Template Package – $75

Nutrition Coaching – $185/month

More information on our nutrition programs.

Traveling Workouts or Individual Program Design
Are you on the road a lot or not getting into the gym as much as you like? Still want to get additional workouts in but not sure what to do? Check out our individual program design. Schedule a 15 minute session to learn more.

IPD Scheduler

Do you have a friend, family member, or co-working interested in our programs?

Anyone interested in our programs can schedule a free 15-minute No Sweat Intro to sit down one-on-one with a coach to discuss their specific goals and how we might be able to help them.

No Sweat Intro Scheduler Link

Individuals who would like to try out a workout similar to our group class style workouts can schedule a Sweat Intro to meet one-on-one with a coach to discuss their specific goals, our programs, and to do a short group class style workout. Individuals interested in an Sweat Intro should email us at info@crossfittradewinds.com.

Guest Policy
Anyone new to CrossFit and/or CrossFit Tradewinds will need to do a No Sweat Intro prior to joining any group classes with the exception of individuals with prior CrossFit experience looking to just do a “drop-in” (one class, one time) or guests attending our community workouts. Individuals with prior CrossFit experience who our interested in joining our facility must still do a No Sweat Intro.

Community Workouts
We typically host free community workouts about once a month. No prior CrossFit experience is required to attend, however, a waiver must be completed in advance and they must sign-up for the class on WOD Together in advance.

All guest must sign an Athlete Waiver prior to joining any group class:
Athlete Waiver Link


Programming Questions
Email Coach Andy: andrew@crossfittradewinds.com

Events or Program Questions
Email Coach Mary: mary@crossfittradewinds.com

Kids or Teens Program Questions
Email Coach Mary: mary@crossfittradewinds.com

Nutrition Questions
Email Coach Andy: andrew@crossfittradewinds.com

Personal Training Questions:
Email Coach Andy: andrew@crossfittradewinds.com

Membership or billing questions or updates
Email: memberships@crossfittradewinds.com

Employment Inquiries
Email Coach Andy: andrew@crossfittradewinds.com

Any misc. questions
Email: info@crossfittradewinds.com

Tradewinds Athlete Bill of Rights & Gym Rules

Athlete Bill of Rights
Gym House Rules

As always, be sure to use the links below to like and follow us to stay up-to-date with all the happenings with the gym. Also, you can review us on Facebook right here

Copyright © 2016 CrossFit Tradewinds, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
45 Crest Ave., Winthrop, MA 02152

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