Sleep is one of the most important aspects to both your overall wellness but also your ability to reach your wellness goals.
Do you know how much your body is “working” while you sleep?
While we sleep our bodies create hormones that allow us to; recover, reduce inflammation, aid in memory consolidation, improve our decision making abilities and so much more…
A lack of sleep can increase our hunger, decrease our energy and affect our cognitive abilities to make decisions that align with our goals.
It’s important to aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep so that our body has plenty of time to do the work it needs, but also so we have plenty of energy going into the next day.
The best way to achieve this sleep goal is to plan for it.
If we create a plan we are much more likely to achieve our goals.
We’ve got an awesome eBook packed full of sleep tips & resources to help you get your best night of sleep yet. Check it out for yourself: Tradewinds Sleep eBook (click for link)
If you’re looking for more personalized help with your journey, we’d love to sit down, chat with you, and create a place to help you accomplish your goals. Please click the button below to schedule a Free Intro.